July 18, 2008

Write That Down

We stopped at Publix to buy some lettuce; (I’m lying, it was ice cream) and while we were waiting in line, Wayne was perusing a ladies fitness magazine. What that girl was fit for is not printable here, but I am sure she was quite athletic and could hold her breath for long stretches of time.

Don’t give me the ole men are programmed to look spiel; I’ve seen men look with their mouths hanging open and dripping spittle. My man doesn’t do that, but he wasn’t reading the articles either, so I gave him a knuckle to the delt in the hopes that it would help him refocus, (on me). Sort of like a medicinal slap to the face of a hysterical person.

Wayne turns to look at me all innocent like; “What?” he says with mock anguish, “it’s not like I would sleep with her….But I would watch somebody else do it.”

Well you gotta laugh, that is a good line. So I did what any writer would do. I took out my notepad and started to write it down for future use. This drew a quizzical look from the checkout clerk who had been watching the whole thing, and was not thrilled with the conversation. Some people are no fun! So I told her the lawyer makes me write down everything he says so we can hold it against him later.


Anonymous said...

LOVE this post! You got me here with your comment at Jennsylvania.com. This post sounds so like my life! He says the stupidest stuff and I write it down for later too! Thanks for the laugh!

PS feel your pain on the water skiing!

Anonymous said...

You're too funny!! I love the quick witty things you come up with. I, too, am perterbed when the checkout people are no fun. Some people just don't see the humor that is all around them!